Who is Shannon Spencer?

Who is Shannon Spencer?

LaShannon R. Spencer, MPA, MHSA, is a national speaker on topics of social determinants, cultural competency, and care delivery for vulnerable populations. As a healthcare executive, she has a wealth of knowledge in labor relations, public policy, advocacy, patient and physician relations, patient and family engagement, and patient safety.

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Healthcare Facts

Healthcare Facts

Nulla rutrum elit in aliquam suscipit. In neque turpis, porta sed fermentum sed, tincidunt ullamcorper diam. Maecenas sem tortor, efficitur ac magna pellentesque, lobortis pellentesque nunc. Fusce vel eros dictum, tempor elit non, maximus eros. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

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Capturing patient stories focused on access and quality healthcare services is key objective for LaShannon Spencer. She is interested in helping patients, clinicians, healthcare organizations and other stakeholders address social determinants. Straight Talk is a series of educational and publication material ranging from books, scholarly journal articles, seminars, conferences, videos and documentaries.

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Maecenas vestibulum faucibus enim vel gravida quisq acinter

congue nec consectetur libero fusce neque libero, consectetur sit amet cursus a, tempor quis neque. Suspendisse diam lacus, pellentesque ac interdum vitae, vehicula eu mi.